Direct engagement facilitation
Facilitating direct engagement and policy dialogue between civil society and SADC at regional and member states levels. The engagement is informed by outputs of environmental scans, researches as well as national and regional consultations
Collaborative and joint activities with specific institutions of SAf-CNGO creating and participating in platforms for multi-stakeholder policy dialogue, consensus building, experience and knowledge sharing and dissemination of information
Generate policy proposals
Generating policy proposals, information and knowledge
Collaborative networking with strategic like-minded institutions/organizations
Effective advocacy
Effective Advocacy, engagement and lobbying at the highest level
Communication Strategy
Effective communication, media and public relations strategy
Conscious and deliberate action on integrating marginalized people and issues
Popular education and mobilization of civil society
Facilitate access to capacity development opportunities
Establishing think tanks
Establishing progressive, well informed and effective think tanks
Enhance networking
Flagship annual events enhancing visibility and networking
Facilitate access to capacity development opportunities
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