SAf-CNGO in collaboration with the GIZ Project, “Supporting sustainability aspects in the implementation of the EU Economic Partnership Agreements (NEW)” will host a capacity building and regional exchange workshop on Monitoring the Implementation of Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) to be held from 22 – 23 January 2024 in Johannesburg, South Africa. The workshop will, among other things, seek to promote knowledge and experience sharing on EPAs as well as to foster networking among trade unions and civil society actors from the SADC EPA and ESA EPA regions. The main objectives of the workshop are: • To establish among trade unions and civil society actors a sound understanding of the SADC EPA Monitoring and Evaluation framework that was agreed by the EU and SADC Member States and explore opportunities for CSOs and trade unions in monitoring EPAs and how they can take advantage of the opportunities.
• To take a deep dive into the topic sustainable development in EPAs, explore the role of civil society and trade unions in the negotiations and sustainable implementation of TSD provisions and identify next steps for civil society involvement in EPA processes.
• To provide a forum for knowledge and experience sharing on EPAs and the involvement of civil society and trade unions in trade issues as well as identify possible areas of collaboration and synergies between trade unions and CSOs.
• To explore the possibility of a trade unions and CSOs platform for information and knowledge sharing beyond the workshop.
• To foster networking and peer-to peer exchange among trade unions and civil society actors in SADC EPA and ESA EPA countries.
Gee Makgome
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